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omega replica Balthazar Two Faced Robot Clock

omega replica The Balthazar clock has two faces. On one side is a robot-like looking friend that displays jumping hours and sweeps minutes on a pair disks on his chest. A power reserve indicator is also located a little lower in his abdomen. Balthazar's eyes display seconds in increments of 20 second retrograde. The "dark side",omega replica watches or the other side of the clock, displays a skull instead of the smiling face. The eyes also recall the Terminator. This chest displays a dual-hemisphere indication of moonphase, each face occupying one moon.

omega replica Balthazar Two Faced Robot Clock – Front and Back

Balthazar is the manufacturer's big brother to Melchior. This robot clock was launched at Baselworld 2015. The basic structure of both clocks is the same, with the exception of the discs that display the time, and the escapement from the dome at the head. However, there are many important differences. Most notable was the addition of a moonphase complication to the clock without draining the power reserve. Balthazar stands 30% taller than Melchior. The additional gear train can be connected to his regulator at the top of his dome head.

You can choose from four colors of armor for the new robot-themed clock: black, silver and blue.replica watches Each clock is limited to 50 pieces. The cost is approximately $53,100 and 52,000 Swiss Francs (before taxes).